Monday, May 17, 2010

Guest Article - Joe Hashey: "3 Ways to Make Conditioning Complexes Effective"

Approximately a year ago, I came across Joe Hashey at Synergy Athletics. I was impressed by what I found. I began reading every article Joe posted on his website. I then started incorporating many of his ideas in my own training, and the training of my clients. I saw results.

What also impressed me besides Joe's knowledge was his character. Joe has always been willing to answer my questions and give me advice.

I approached Joe some time ago about writing a guest article for my blog. He quickly agreed. Below is his article on conditioning complexes. I encourage you not only to check the article out, but to visit his website.

3 Ways To Make Conditioning Complexes Effective

Conditioning complexes are well known for their ability to burn body fat in minimal time. However, if they are done incorrectly, then they can really hurt your strength gains! Here are some guidelines to get you started with one of the most effective conditioning tools out there.

1. Perform Complexes AT THE END. The purpose of conditioning is to lose fat and fatigue your body. Next time you perform the complex, ideally you will take longer to fatigue (adaptation). Therefore, when you perform complexes at the end of a workout, there is no real detriment to being tired.

However, if you perform them at the beginning, then your strength gains will suffer because of the fatigue.

2. Plan Your Complexes. What are your training goals for the day? What body part will you be working out tomorrow? Is it a max strength day? These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself when planning a conditioning program!

If you fail to ask yourself the important questions, then your lean muscle gains and your fat loss will suffer.

3. Work Smarter….and harder. Do not start with the hardest challenge complex you can find. Chances are you won’t be able to complete it and quit. Most people’s bodies just are not ready for that kind of stress.

Plan doable complexes in the 6-12 rep range with appropriate rest time. When you work, work hard, but be realistic especially at the beginning.
Here is an example of a simple full body complex that can be used before a rest day:

• Barbell Row x 8-10
• RDL x 8-10
• Hang Clean x 8-10
• Military Press x 8-10
• Back Squat x 8-10

Complete 3-5 sets with 60—90 seconds rest. If you are already well trained, you can start with a weight between 95-135 lbs on the bar. If not, start lower! No shame in progression.
Joe Hashey is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and owner of Synergy Athletics, a popular strength training bog. Joe also just released the Bull Strength Conditioning Manual. BSC is changing physiques and teaching people the CORRECT way to condition!